Save up to 50% with the new Rohde & Schwarz promotion.

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Proven concept, extended range of product offers

Rohde & Schwarz has transformed customers’ expectations of a promotion in 2019 with the introduction of fully equipped, preconfigured bundles for a single price. A positive customer reaction to that offer convinced them to introduce a new promotion building on that success. It extends the winning principles of a single configuration to an even wider product range than before.

Now customers can benefit from up to 50 % off promotional offers across all the typical products present on an engineer‘s bench: from oscilloscopes, signal & spectrum analyzers, power analyzers and power supplies to vector network analyzers, signal generators, cable & antenna analyzers and power meter. Several of the instruments were recently launched on the market or have not been offered in this promotional configuration before.

Future-proof your investment!

Buying T&M equipment is a long-term investment. Some of the options available for purchase today might not be needed for a current T&M task, but could be required later. Securing a budget for updates can be time-consuming.

What if you could just buy an instrument with everything you need now and might need in the future, for just a fraction of its regular price? Leveraging customer feedback and its industry experience, Rohde & Schwarz has equipped its products to the fullest and compiled its most sought-after configurations for this limited-time offer. Benefit from the following:

► Options included upfront at point of purchase

► No need to configure, we take care of this for you

► Single price for each instrument

► Maximum bench performance and maximum savings

For more information click here.

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