Tektraco's employees during a fibre optic training in Denmark

Tektraco Telecoms has been working with the fibre optic association (FOA) for years. They are the industry’s only non-profit organisation working for standards that make sense and constantly having to debunk myths emanating from unscrupulous manufacturers.


We use their knowledge as the basis for our recommendations, we have joined the association and have had the pleasure of consulting with the founder Jim Hayes as well as others.


To further augment our capabilities, Tektraco decided to have our lead installer and works manager trained at an FOA school. We were recommended Ian Gordon Fudge from FibreDK : https://www.fiberdk.dk/?lang=en

We confirmed that our work practices are up to scratch yet still had many new learning developments among which:

  • Alcohol replacement with no shelf life for cleaning fibre, Tektraco is now the partner for Sticklers in Malta (more on this to follow) https://sticklers.microcare.com/

  • Training in Mid span-access for fibre cables. We are the only Maltese company to have training in this. We have the know how and the appropriate ODF for this function. Why cut a whole cable when you can cut one tube and let the cable run?

When it comes to fibre optics, Tektraco Telecoms is more than just a systems integrator, we are a technology partner who practices what we preach and the only local company with FOA certified Technicians.

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