Spectrum Management
The spectrum is a common good on which all wireless services co-exist together with other technologies such as radar and guidance systems. Each country has the challenge of being able to effectively monitor the usage of this invisible yet limited resource by actively ‘listening’ at all the signals and using technology in order to catch devices and people breaking the law.
In this area the MCA decided on a two pronged approach to attack this issue
The use of a fixed network of receivers from our technology partner CRFS
The use of mobile units armed with top traditional benchtop receivers from other partner in this area Rohde and Schwarz
Photos https://www.tektracotelecoms.com/news/spectrum-monitoring-receiver-network-installation
When we talk about security, we are not talking about CCTV, gates, or what one associates traditionally with this area. We operate in the more subtle area of the spectrum, which in the security world is termed ‘electronic warfare’. What sort of scenarios are covered? And why should civilians be aware of such techniques?
Technical Surveillance Counter Measures
The threats are real, The quest for illicit intelligence is a never-ending threat; from criminals trying to obtain information for financial gain, to sophisticated state-sponsored adversaries looking for political and military gains. While we do not always know what kind of threats are around us, electronic surveillance is the key to ensure secrets remain secret. The security of your building, your Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), your private conversations, your plans and secrets can all be compromised by small, inexpensive surveillance devices (GSM bugging devices are available today from well-known online retailers for less than $50).
Tektraco is here to help with traditional hand held ‘bug sweeping’ systems to inbuilding electronic security with 24/7 coverage, we have you covered and have the expertise to demystify such invisible threats.
Counter drone systems
Drones, that fly above prohibited areas are an increasing security risk. Remote-controlled drones repeatedly violated the privacy of people and the boundaries of protected areas. Some careless drone pilots may not be aware that they present a danger to people and property. Additionally, there are operators who knowingly engage in illegal activities – for example, invasion of privacy, smuggling and industrial espionage. Regardless of the drone pilot’s intension, drones pose a serious security risk.
Tektraco is able to field drone systems which can provide various guarded steps against these vehicles; from simple jamming causing the drone to crash, to taking control and localizing pilots. All options are possible with us.
Photos IDEAS : https://scdn.rohde-schwarz.com/ur/pws/dl_downloads/dl_common_library/dl_brochures_and_datasheets/pdf_1/ARDRONIS_bro_en_5214-7035-12_v0600.pdf
Quick Personnel Security Scanner
Youtube and explaining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg0Kzzpgw4s
Photos https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/us/solutions/aerospace-defense-security/security/law-enforcement-public-safety/security-scanner/qps-learning-center_250583.html
Be it an airport, sea passenger terminal or even a factory, investing in a scanner such as these screens people for any imaginable threat in a safe and dignified manner. Engage in uncortable and awkward searches with confidence after first having screened effectively.